Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Reality # 32- I’m Back

I have not posted in a while and the reason is because my mind has been off somewhere else the past two weeks.

Last week the daily grind just got to much for me. I felt like I was losing it a little bit. Then this past weekend I caught the flu so my luck has been going to well.

I realized that life is hard and life is going to knock you down. That’s life. There is nothing we can do it about it. We just have to get back up and keep on living. It’s the only thing we can do.

I’m going to be posting on the regular now and the blog will start to form an identity from Mary Beth and Me. We both want to make this blog better and something we are proud of and other people are proud of.

Thank you to everyone that has followed us and read our blogs. Thank you.


Friday, February 25, 2011

Reality #31: Improve Yourself, Improve Your World

There are a lot of things in this world that we would like to change...people living in poverty, war, federal spending.

There are also things we would like to change in the hustle and bustle of our every day lives...traffic jams, rude people, bill payments.

Unfortunately, while we cannot change all of these things, we can make improvements in our lives...and this world...by making a change within our own attitudes and actions.

So, as a tribute to not only myself but to you as well, take the time to read below the 7 ways to improve yourself, as well as ways to make the world a better place...



Thursday, February 24, 2011

Reality #30: Love Is Taken Too Lightly

Love is taken too lightly these days...

I challenge anyone who disagrees with me.

Think about it. Every where I hear people - on television or on the radio or even in person - talking about all the things they love...clearance sales, rebates, a certain music artist, clothes, guns, even hair products...

But should we really use love to describe how we feel about these things? I mean...

We say we love those special people in our lives and then we turn around and say how much we love tacos. Is that really fair or accurate or sensible?

We, as humans, play with one another's emotions and dangle what we consider to be "love" by a string.

So what is love? I guess it depends on the individual's own personal definition through the experiences they have had.

Love can be hard work...really hard work sometimes. But...

If love really is unconditional, it will hold any weight, face any doubt, persist through hopelessness, and last any trial...

Perhaps love is best summed up by the one that brought love to this earth....


Monday, February 21, 2011

New Logo!!!

Reality #29: You Get What You Give

I've heard the phrase, "Everyone wants to go to heaven, but nobody wants to go now."

I think it should actually be, "Everybody wants success, but no one wants to work at it."

There are a lot of areas in life in which hard work is a must in order to have success in that area...school, love, relationships, your job, sports, hobbies, and so forth.

And the reality?? Sometimes hard work really sucks. Sometimes it hurts. Sometimes it is stressful and time consuming and sometimes even emotionally and physically exhausting.

There are going to be days when you think you have had enough of working hard at improving your relationship or getting a promotion at work or acing that final test.

Personally, my hard work has come in the form of relationships. One thing I have learned lately is that love is hard work. And hard work sometimes sucks.

But what you must ask yourself is if it is worth it. And if it is, then never stop working at it.

We, as human beings, naturally work hard at something in order to get what we want...a lifelong partner, a raise in pay, an athletic honor.  But you also must realize that the highest reward you will receive for your hard work is not what you get for it, but rather what you become by it.

So, the next time you go to give up on something, ask yourself if you would rather give up or put in the extra work and get what you want....happiness, love, honor.

In life, you get what you give...


Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Reality #28- My Love

This past Monday, was Valentines Day and for the past five years I have had nobody to spend Valentines Day with.

Now I have had dates for some of years but I really haven’t had anyone that I truly cared about. I haven’t been in a serious relationship since my senior year of high school. I have had one night stands, friends with benefits, and some causal relationships but never have found anyone to go to the next level with since my senior year of high school.

There are days when I love being single. Just the thought of going out and being able to do whatever I want just gets my blood pumping. I love the feeling of not being tied down and just living my life for me and no one else to take care of.

Then there are times when I get lonely. The single life is fun but coming home to an empty bed every night, it takes its toll on me. There are times when I am lying in bed and I just lay there thinking about what it would be like to have someone lying next to me that I am in love with.

Ever dream about being in love? I mean truly in love with someone. The love that feels so real. Its one of best  feeling’s in the world. Then I wake up and look over and see that no one is there. I slowly start to understand that it was all a dream. The true love feeling leaves my body and the dream slips from my memory.

Right now I am ok with being single. I know there are going to be times when I wish I was in a relationship but I am good for right now. I know one night I will roll over in the middle of the night and there will be the woman that I truly love.


Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Reality #27: The Fear

Nearly my entire life I have lived maturely. In high school I studied my butt off to get scholarships to attend college, and when I got to college I spent my time studying even more (even though at times I worked hard and played even harder).

I am now out of college and am in the work force. I am employed full-time at a newspaper, doing inside sales advertising.  It's a good job and pays the bills. I have a man that says he loves me. and a family that sometimes seems to think I hang the moon.

But for some reason now, at the age of almost 24, I feel like going back to college mode, or at least young adult/no responsibilities mode. I feel like going to parties, going to clubs on weekends, those kinds of things.

And the thing is, I never felt like going and partying it up before. So why now? Why do I have this sudden urge in me to do these things?

Is it the fear of growing up? Of settling down? Of feeling held back for some reason?

I mean, in reality, what I really want in life is to be happy, to love, to have children, to be successful.

So why now do I want to go back to what most would consider immature ways?

Is it just doubt running through my mind?  And if so, is this doubt that everyone unavoidably experiences at some point in their life??


I thought I knew once. Now I'm not so sure....
