Monday, January 17, 2011

Reality #15: Everyone Has A Story To Tell

Everyone in this world has a story to tell. That is one thing I have learned as a journalist.

The homeless man on the street. The WWII veteran. The mom pushing the cart in the grocery store. The alcoholic that has overcome addiction.

I think a lot of times we do not take into consideration what other people that we come into contact with in our daily lives is feeling. I don't think we, including myself, realize that other people experience a lot of the same things we do.

People put homeless people down, saying that they brought their current situation on themselves. But what do we know unless we are that homeless person? What do we know unless we are the war veterans? The moms in the stores? The recovering alcoholic?

I guess what I am trying to say is that we shouldn't judge people based on their outward appearances, their status in life, or their personality of that day.

Everyone has a story. Everyone has experiences. Everyone, in all actuality, have more in common than we think.

So, the next time you start to judge someone, just try to see their point of view, or at least take the time to let them tell you their story.

You may just learn more than you think.


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